Our Vision
UW-Madison will be a recognized leader, innovator, and contributor in improving the sustainability, resilience, livability, and general wellbeing of communities. Through education, outreach, technical assistance, and research that is grounded in the priorities of local governments, and through bridge-building engagement with policy initiatives, our efforts will have impacts locally and globally to improve the places and lives of people throughout Wisconsin and the world.
Our Network
UniverCity Alliance is a member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network (EPIC-N), an international network of more than 60 universities and colleges partnering with localities throughout the United States and world.
Advisory Board Chairs
Lori DiPrete Brown
Position title: Director, Global Health and Human Ecology, Civil Society and Community Studies, School of Human Ecology
Paul Robbins
Position title: Dean, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Joel Rogers
Position title: Professor of Law, Political Science, Public Affairs, and Sociology & Director, High Road Strategy Center
Advisory Board Members
Barbara Bendlin
Position title: Associate Professor and Director, Neuroscience and Public Policy Program
Cary Bloodworth
Position title: Supervising Attorney, Family Legal Advocacy and Supports Clinic (FLASC), University of Wisconsin Law School
Mary Beth Collins
Position title: Executive Director, the Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies, School of Human Ecology
Yongheng Deng
Position title: Professor, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, Wisconsin School of Business
Pam Foster Felt
Position title: Coordinator for Programmatic Partnerships Community Development Institute, Division of Extension
Christopher Timmins
Position title: Professor, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, Wisconsin School of Business
Anjalé (AJ) Welton
Position title: Department Chair and Rupple-Bascom Professor of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Curt Witynski
Position title: Witynski Consulting LLC; Retired Deputy Director, League of WI Municipalities