The City of Sun Prairie, Towns of Deerfield and Cottage Grove and the nonprofit Friends of Koshkonong Creek with support from Badger Farms are partnering with UniverCity Year from 2021-24 to improve the Koshkonong Creek. The response of the 36-mile creek, which runs from the City of Sun Prairie to Lake Koshkonong, to intense rain events has become less predictable over the last 20 years. The group hopes to study the creek and plan for its future. Read the 2023 report for project highlights.
- “Amplifying the impact of the Friends of Koshkonong Creek website.” Geography 309: People, Land, and Food. Holly Gibbs.
- “Expanding the website for the Friends of Koshkonong Creek.” Digital Studies Certificate Program. Independent student research.
- “Exploring green infrastructure ideas for the Koshkonong Creek Watershed.” Civil & Environmental Engineering 421: Environmental Sustainability Engineering. Andrea Hicks.
- “Growing a stakeholder network for the Koshkonong Creek clean-up and maintenance.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Dane Mattila and Greg Harrington.
- “Exploring governance options for the Koshkonong Creek Watershed.” Urban & Regional Planning/Environmental Studies 865: Water Resources, Institutions, and Policies. Ken Genskow.
- “Developing future management strategies for Koshkonong Creek Watershed.” Water Resources Management MS program. Anita Thompson.
- “Exploring engineering options for flood control, sediment, and nutrient reduction for Koshkonong Creek.” Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone. Mark Oleinik and Jan Kucher.
- “Investigating flood control alternatives for Koshkonong Creek Watershed.” Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone. Mark Oleinik and Jan Kucher.
- “Creating a conservation action plan to improve water quality and ecosystem conditions in the Koshkonong Creek Watershed.” Environmental Studies 972: Conservation Planning. Arlyne Johnson.
- “Establishing a citizen science application for watershed data collection.” Landscape Architecture 590: Applications of GIS to watershed management. Ed Boswell.
- “Mapping amenities in the Koshkonong Creek Watershed through geodesign.” Landscape Architecture 511: Geodesign Methods and Applications. Ed Boswell.
- “Documenting land use and environmental change in a Wisconsin watershed: Addressing local needs for adaptive management.” Environmental Studies 978: Conservation GIS. Leif Brottem.