Located in north-central Wisconsin, Marathon county is a beautiful area that offers a blend of natural scenery and urban downtowns. Geographically Marathon is the largest county in Wisconsin, and is home to a growing 135,000 people.
Marathon county offers a variety of services and skills to the majority of central Wisconsin. They are known for their strong manufacturing base and also their growing and primary health care systems. They also are ranked number one for dairy production among Wisconsin’s counties.
Marathon County partnered with UCA 2020-23 to increase their counties safety, health, and prosperity. They are focusing on improving areas like the environment, emergency medical services, diversity, economic development, and evidence based decision making. Read the 2022 UniverCity Year report for project highlights.
- Sustainability
- Economic Development
- Evidence-Based Decision Making
- Equity
- Emergency Medical Services
- “Assessing Road Salt Practices across Wausau Metropolitan Area Municipalities.” Environmental Studies 402: Social Perspectives in Environmental Studies. Molly Schwebach.
- “Exploring best practices for de-icing in Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Mapping winter road salt use and sensitive areas in Marathon County.” Geography 578: GIS Applications. A-Xing Zhu.
- “Planning a rural bicycling network and future bike infrastructure in Marathon County.” Planning & Landscape Architecture: Independent student research.
- “Understanding environmental attitudes in the Fenwood Creek Watershed, Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Promoting soil health through public engagement in Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Assessing Marathon County riparian and wetland resources.” Environmental Studies 978: GIS for Environmental Observation & Informatics. Nathan Schulfer and Naomi Louchouarn.
- “Exploring data for the Marathon County Groundwater Protection Plan.” Environmental Studies 950: Environmental Monitoring Seminar. Sarah Graves and Nathan Schulfer.
- “Analyzing groundwater contamination and protection in Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Mapping Nitrate-N contamination of groundwater in Marathon County.” Independent student research.
- “Evaluating and improving ADA compliance in the Wausau Metro Area.” Independent student research.
- “Reconstructing the intersection of Grand Avenue and Forest Street in Wausau.” Civil & Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone Design. Jan Kucher and Mark Oleinik.
- “Planning a rural bicycling network and future bike infrastructure in Marathon County.” Planning & Landscape Architecture: Independent student research.
- “Conducting a Space Needs Analysis for Marathon County Facilities.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Analyzing residential infill and redevelopment opportunities within the Wausau MPO.” Planning & Landscape Architecture: Independent Student Research.
- “Addressing criminal case delays in Marathon County courts.” Independent student research. Law School.
- “Analyzing the Marathon County criminal justice database systems.” Independent student research. Law School.
- “Increasing elementary school attendance in the D.C. Everest and Wausau School Districts.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Identifying root causes of truancy in elementary school children.” Independent student research.
- “Measuring what matters: Data-driven evaluation of justice programs.” Independent student research.
- “Evaluating Marathon County’s drug treatment court.” Independent student research. School of Nursing.
- “Proposing a centralized data dashboard for Marathon County Drug Treatment Court.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Assessing impacts of the Marathon County Start Right Program.” Independent research project. Barry Delin.
- “Evaluating process and outcomes of the Marathon County OWI Court.” Independent student research. Law School.
- “Developing a specific and sustainable evaluation method for the Marathon County OWI Court.” Public Health 780: Evidence Based Decision-Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Clarifying goals of the Public Safety Assessment Tool (PSA) for Marathon Courts.” Independent research project. Cecelia Klingele.
- “Establishing A Foundation: A Primary Examination of the Marathon County SSTOP Program.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Improving Marathon County interorganizational communication and forming a housing coalition in Marathon County.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Validating the proxy tool for arrest decisions in Marathon County.” Independent research project. Cecelia Klingele.
- “Improving Marathon County legal case processing time.” Industrial and Systems Engineering 450: Senior Capstone. Terry Mann.
- “Reducing racial and socio-economic disparities in the Marathon County Justice System (MCJS).” Independent student research. UW-Madison Pro Bono Law Program.
- “Exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion in Marathon County Human Resources.” Political Science. Independent student research.
- “Exploring EMS interventions for increased efficiency and sustainability in Marathon County.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Recruiting and Retaining EMS personnel in Marathon County.” Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Barb Duerst.
- “Analyzing Marathon County technical rescue preparedness.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Promoting and improving household disaster planning in Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- “Coordinating and expanding severe weather notification in Marathon County.” Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership in Engineering. Paige LaPoint and Greg Harrington.
- Designing an emergency management planning workshop and outreach strategy. Master of Public Health. Independent student research.