UniverCity Racine County

Racine County is located in southeast Wisconsin, and it is the fifth most populous county in the state with a population of 195,000. The city of Racine is the county’s seat and is historically known for its large Danish settlement and iconic Danish pastries. Racine County is also home to the City of Racine—known for its downtown life and art museums, beautiful harbor and parks—and the Wind Point Lighthouse, which is one of the oldest and tallest active lighthouses on the Great Lakes.

Racine County is partnering with UCA in 2020-23 to work on youth justice. With the impending closure of Lincoln Hills, the State of Wisconsin has allocated $40 million to help Racine County construct a modern, trauma-informed facility that will transform its youth justice program and lead to even better outcomes for Racine County youth. Racine County seeks to understand best practices in juvenile justice surrounding the design, construction, hiring practices of detention workers and staff, as well as classroom and trauma-informed care practices to ensure its most vulnerable youth—particularly young people of color—are placed in a facility with the design and foundation to foster long-term success upon returning to the community. Read the 2022 UniverCity Year report for project highlights.


  1. “Supporting the staff of the Alternative to Corrections through Education program (ACE): Literature review and presentation.” UW-Parkside, Clinical Mental Health Counseling 706/755. Ann Friesema.
  2. “Supporting caregivers of youth in rehabilitation: Literature review and presentation.” UW-Parkside, Clinical Mental Health Counseling 706/755. Ann Friesema.
  3. “Empowering youth through creativity and art: Literature review and presentation.” UW-Parkside, Clinical Mental Health Counseling 706/755. Ann Friesema.
  4. “Supporting social skills for social connections in youth: Literature review and presentation.” UW-Parkside, Clinical Mental Health Counseling 706/755. Ann Friesema.
  5. “Researching recommendations for community collaboration and staff training for the Racine County Youth Care Center.”  UW-Parkside, Criminal Justice 600: Race, Crime, Law. Aubri McDonald.
  6. “Assessing Racine County’s youth care facility operations manual, Part 1.” Human Development & Family Studies 501: Special Topics. Julie Poehlmann-Tynan.
  7. “Assessing Racine County’s youth care facility operations manual, Part 2.” Independent student research.
  8. “Developing a resource library for diversity, equity, inclusion and reducing recidivism for youth facilities.” Global Health Field Experience. Lori DiPrete Brown.
  9. “Family engagement and reentry for Racine County Youth Care Facility: A multi-systemic exploration of related issues.” Psychology 601: Senior Capstone. Patti Coffey.
  1. Improving Youth Literacy in Racine County. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
  2. Implementing a College Savings Account Program in Racine County. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.