The Village of DeForest is part of the greater Madison area and located two miles north of the Dane County Regional Airport. While a part of the greater Madison area, DeForest offers the charm of being set apart from a larger city and boasts quiet and walkable neighborhoods, top schools, abundant parks and trails, and natural resources like the Cherokee Marsh and the Yahara River.
DeForest applied to UniverCity for the years 2023-26 to pursue projects that will implement strategic priorities identified in the recently completed Comprehensive Plan and 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. DeForest plans to address needs related to population and development growth and community natural resource assets.
1. Understanding costs and future impacts of multi-year forecasting for financial planning. Master of Business Analytics Consulting Practicum: Independent Student Research. Jay Page.
2. Planning for future facilities growth. Urban and Regional Planning 999: Independent Professional Planning Project. Ken Genskow.
3. Creating a staff growth plan for best service delivery. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
4. Developing a road map for future technological improvements. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
5. Exploring creation of an IT services consortium for shared IT management services. Badger Consulting.
1. Planning for phosphorus reduction and sustainable development. Urban and Regional Planning 999: Independent Professional Planning Project. Ken Genskow.
2. Exploring sustainability best practices for the Village of DeForest. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent Student Research. Amy Gangl.
3. Developing a sustainability plan to grow community and preserve natural resources.
1. Promoting belonging through community branding and marketing. Journalism 445: Creative Campaign Messages. Doug McLeod.