UniverCity Cottage Grove

The Village of Cottage Grove, comprised of a population of 8,900, is located 15 minutes outside of downtown Madison. Located conveniently between major transportation routes, Cottage Grove combines the benefits of small town Wisconsin with the advantage of being located near the state’s capital city. The Village of Cottage Grove will celebrate 100 years in 2024.

Cottage Grove applied to UniverCity Year for the years 2022-25 to address transportation, internal communication, and arts, culture, and tourism.

Read the 2024 report for project highlights.

Logo that reads The Village of Cottage Grove
  1. Exploring design options for West Cottage Grove Road. Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone Design. Jan Kucher and Derek Hungness.
  2. Developing a public art strategy for the Village of Cottage Grove. Management and Human Resources 746/747: Impact Consulting for Arts and Cultural Organizations. John Surdyk.
  3. Assessing public spaces for arts and cultural programming in Cottage Grove. Management and Human Resources 746/747: Impact Consulting for Arts and Cultural Organizations. John Surdyk.
  4. Pursuing the Walk & Bike Friendly Community designation for Cottage Grove. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent student research. Amy Gangl.
  5. Creating a new “Bark Park” for Cottage Grove. Planning and Landscape Architecture 399: Independent student research. James Steiner.
  6. Increasing safety at the intersection of Cottage Grove Road and Main Street. Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory (TOPS). Andrea Bill.
  7. Surveying the Cottage Grove community about economic development strategies. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
  8. Amplifying green space connectivity in Cottage Grove. Planning and Landscape Architecture 610: Landscape Architecture Seminar – Capstone I. Eric Schuchardt.
  9. Designing green space connectivity for Cottage Grove. Planning and Landscape Architecture 611: Senior Project in Landscape Architecture Studio – Capstone II. Eric Schuchardt.
  10. Developing plans to urbanize County Trunk Highway N/Main Street. Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone Design.