Located in northeastern Wisconsin, the City of Marinette is home to more than 11,000 residents. Its strong manufacturing base makes the city a job center for the greater region.
Marinette applied to UniverCity Year for the years 2022-25 to move forward elements of its strategic plan. Research areas include housing, economic development, sustainability, and quiet zones.
- Improving housing options for the next generation of Marinette residents. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
- Attracting young people to the City of Marinette. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
- Implementing a railroad quiet zone to improve community health in Marinette. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
- Improving micro-mobility in the City of Marinette. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
- Reducing single-use plastic grocery bags in Marinette, Wisconsin. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent Student Research.
- Assessing Soft Mobility and Micro Mobility in Marinette, Wisconsin. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent Student Research.
- Connecting the City of Marinette via a trail and path system. Landscape Architecture 611: Landscape Architecture Seminar – Capstone 1. Eric Schuchardt.
- Designing and amplifying outdoor connectivity in Marinette. Landscape Architecture 611: Senior Project in Landscape Architecture Studio – Capstone II. Eric Schuchardt.