UniverCity Milton

Milton, located in Rock County, is a city of approximately 5,500 people. The city is home to the Milton House, which was a stop on the Underground Railroad.

The City of Milton applied to the UniverCity Year program for the years 2022-25 to address equity, inclusion, community connection, and belonging initiatives for the community.

Read the 2024 report for project highlights.

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  1. Surveying public perceptions of “belonging” in Milton. Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. Jennifer Dykema.
  2. Measuring youth attitudes of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in Milton. Sociology 320: Community engaged research for solving urban problems, a high road practicum. Joel Rogers.
  3. Assessing organizational effectiveness through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Independent student research with the Diversity Institute. Markus Brauer.
  4. Developing a social media toolkit for the Milton Youth Coalition. Civil Society & Community Studies: Mixed Methods in Community-Based Research. Ben Fisher.
  5. Measuring the effectiveness of a Milton-based youth organization via Photovoice. Civil Society & Community Studies: Mixed Methods in Community-Based Research. Ben Fisher.
  6. Decreasing substance use among LGBTQ youth in Milton by creating community safe spaces. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
  7. Encouraging youth involvement in local government. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent student research. Amy Gangl.
  8. Designing the Milton Public Library pet celebration garden. Planning and Landscape Architecture 590: Landscape and Urban Studies Capstone Preparation. Alfonso Morales.