UniverCity Wausau

Wausau is the largest city and county seat of Marathon County. Just about 40,000 people – a population that has grown slightly over the last 10 years – make Wausau their home.

Wausau applied to UniverCity Year for the years 2022-25 to move forward goals that align with the city’s first ever strategic plan, which was released in August 2022, and encourage long-range planning and policy guidance.

Read the 2024 report for project highlights.

Logo that reads Wausau, Wisconsin
  1. Granting developer incentives on TIF projects: How Wausau compares with peer cities. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent student research. Amy Gangl.
  2. Analyzing affordable housing options and developing recommendations for Wausau. Real Estate 611: Residential Housing Development. Tom Landgraf.
  3. Evaluating the ByBlock plastic waste program for Wausau. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Leadership Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
  4. Analyzing the costs and benefits of the Wausau ByBlock Project. Agricultural and Applied Economics 724: Practicum for Applied Economists. Jordan Rijn.
  5. Designing public health solutions to connect refugees to viable employment. Public Health 780: Evidence-Based Decision-Making. Liz Bush.
  6. Fostering a sense of belonging in Wausau through design programming. Design Studies 321: Design Programming. Uchita Vaid.
  1. Becoming a more pedestrian-friendly city: Wausau, Wisconsin. UniverCity Alliance Scholars Program: Independent Student Research. Amy Gangl.
  2. Developing a regional transit action plan for for MetroRide Coverage Expansion. Urban And Regional Planning 721: Methods of Planning Analysis. Carey McAndrews.
  3. Upgrading the Transit Department facility. Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone Design. Jan Kucher and Derek Hungness.
  1. Exploring Wausau Police Station improvements. Civil and Environmental Engineering 578: Senior Capstone Design. Jan Kucher and Derek Hungness.
  2. Emergency planning for special events. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.
  1. Creating a ‘Welcoming Wausau’ strategic plan for the Welcoming America designation. Sociology 320: Community engaged research for solving urban problems, a high road practicum. Joel Rogers.
  2. Determining next steps for Welcoming Wausau designation. Urban and Regional Planning: Professional Project. Carey McAndrews.
  3. Attracting and retaining public sector employees in Wausau. Interdisciplinary Engineering 303: Applied Competencies in Engineering. Angela Kita.