Though UniverCity Alliance’s Welcome to Your Urban Future course, University of Wisconsin–Madison sophomore Shawn Zhu was connected to a leadership role in Madison’s local government.
Real Estate class connects UW–Madison students to local policies
For the second year, Wisconsin School of Business students analyzed city of Madison plans and connected them with Sustainable Development Goals.
UniverCity Alliance intern’s work informs Madison public policy
Matthew Mitnick ‘21 worked with the City of Madison during his final semester to develop health and safety goals, strategies, and actions that were adopted a year later into the city’s Performance Excellence Framework.
Wisconsin School of Business students learn from City of Madison’s sustainable plans
With support from UniverCity Alliance, Professor Yongheng Deng’s Urban and Regional Economics course partnered with the City of Madison during Fall 2022. Students will present their findings at a poster session on Dec. 14.
City of Madison sustainability a focus of WSB real estate class
With support from UniverCity Alliance, Professor Yongheng Deng partnered with the City of Madison to localize sustainability issues.
Local to global: Partnership connects City of Madison, UW-Madison on sustainability goals
UW-Madison faculty and students are working together to achieve sustainability priorities by linking local plans to global goals through a partnership that connects two schools on campus with the City of Madison.
Wisconsin School of Business students present recommendations on City of Madison’s sustainable development strategies
Professor Yongheng Deng is partnering with the City of Madison with support from the UniverCity Alliance to study and evaluate sustainable strategies and actions within the city’s Imagine Madison comprehensive plan. “Our goal for this …
Join us! Recommendations on Madison’s Sustainable Development Strategies
December 15 (4:30pm): WI School of Business students & Professor Yongheng Deng. East Atrium, Grainger Hall.