The events were held as a part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s 175th anniversary celebration.
The Next Generation: UW-Madison students get their feet wet gathering watershed data
Lake Tides Newsletter | Sept. 1, 2023
Marathon County partners with UW program to promote prosperity in the community
WSAW-TV | Sam Dehring | August 30, 2023
Dane County, UW–Madison campus connection creates ‘hands-on’ applied research opportunities
UW–Madison students can engage in applied research as policy analysis interns through a collaboration between UniverCity Alliance, the Department of Political Science, and Dane County.
A heat wave is hitting Wisconsin. Here’s what you should know
Wisconsin State Journal | Abby Machtig | July 25, 2023
Urban heat islands identified in La Crosse neighborhoods due to lack of tree canopy, impervious surfaces
La Crosse Tribune | Chloe Hilles | July 19, 2023
Tree canopy, pocket parks could make La Crosse cooler
La Follette School of Public Affairs graduate students studied the heat island effect in the city of La Crosse, which partnered with Thriving Earth Exchange through UniverCity Alliance.
No Mow May 2023: Community Science in Your Backyard
1000 Friends of Wisconsin | June 21, 2023
UniverCity Year builds partnerships, ‘mutual trust’ across Wisconsin
UniverCity Year has partnered with 29 local governments and communities across Wisconsin. Its most recent cohort welcomed nine communities – a record for the program.
Hands-on watershed management: Graduate students learn from community partners ahead of summer field work
Water Resources Management students shared their research so far with Koshkonong Creek stakeholders and practiced techniques for removing stream obstructions.